1 John - The Believer's Identity in Christ

Posted on June 5, 2011 by Unknown

Scripture: 1 John 2:12-17
This morning we celebrated in church a baptism. In baptism, in obedience we find our identity in Christ. This passage helps us look at that.

Jim mentions that the baptism this morning and the passage wasn't combined by our planning. An example of how as we go through the bible, as we dedicate ourselves to expository study, that God blesses it and uses it to speak directly to the events of our lives. Amen to that.

An affirmation of our identity and position in Christ (2:12-14)

We are a forgiven people.

We deserved to be judged, but Jesus stood in our place. God is no longer angry with us, in Christ. Forgiveness brings reconciliation. In verse 12 it says the children are forgiven for His names sake, and then repeats the phrase in verse in 13 saying the children know the Father. To know God, we must first be reconciled to him.

We are a people walking in close relationship with God.

This is what it means to be a Christian, to walk with the creator of the universe. To be in close, direct relationship with HIm.

We are a victorious people.

We have an enemy seeking to destroy us. Even if he can't have our souls, he seeks to continue to make us inert, to reduce the fruit. Christian life is not a playground, it is a battleground. BUT, the victory has already been accomplished. As we fight him, we live in faithfulness, knowing that the war has already been one. We are more than conquerors. V14 You are strong, because the word of God abides in us. Our strength comes from his word.
So... What do we do be has of this identity. Identity leads to action.

An exhortation to live according to our identity and position in
Christ (2:15-17)

A rejection of the world.
What is the world? It is what would remain if God was completely removed from creation. It is the present earthly behaviors that are in direct rebellion for the Father. V.17 This world is passing away. I think this does not mean that we don't have a worldview. There is a godly way to be in he world, it is something that until we die, we can not get away from. But our new desires are his desires, not our own, or some self-fulfillment process that we hear

An obedience to the will of God.

Obeying god is more than a right process, it is the trust, the demonstration of love of Him that is worthy beyond all that we have formerly known and loved.

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