1 John - A Letter to the Church

Posted on May 1, 2011 by Unknown

Scripture: 1 John 1:1-5:21

Three Functions of 1 John
1. This letter warns of the danger of false doctrine.

  • Several doctrines were running around at the time of John.
    •     Docetism - the belief that Jesus wasn't completely human.
  • We like to think that doctrine doesn't matter, that it isn't that important, but this is central. It is what our belief in Christ stands on. John is telling us we must know what we believe. We must be a people devoted to sound doctrine.

2. This letter identifies the distinguishing marks of a follower of Jesus.
A. In doctrine: orthodoxy.

  • The term means right teaching.
  • When we ask ourselves, am I a Christian, answer this, is my belief based on sound biblical doctrine.

B. In morality: Righteousness.

  • What is do doctrine and belief, if we do not also live in righteousness. the truth is not in us if we do not walk in the way the Jesus walked.

C. In community: Charity

  • Many of the doctrines that John was preaching against, were exclusivist, were arrogant and prideful. 1 John 3:4 You can not be a Christian and hate those in our fellowship.
  • I'm looking forward to Jim going over this section, for the simple reason that proponents of universalism and even secular humanism love to point to these passages as evidence that we can not reject any specific belief. Ultimately, I think universalism is one of the most prideful of doctrines, because in the name of a vague version of love and inclusivism, what one is stating is that we value our own ideas, our own thoughts more than the revelation of God. If we love our own ideas first, how can you truly ever understand and love others. There is an right order to love. Love God, then love others.

3. This letter offers an assurance of faith for the follower of Jesus.

  • One of my favorite quotes of late is from G.K. Chesterton - "Merely having an open mind is nothing. The object of opening the mind, as of opening the mouth, is to shut it again on something solid." So it is with sound doctrine.

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