1 John - The Good News Easter Brings
Scripture - 1 John 1:1-4
A sunset, glorious mountains, vast seas, all see things tell us something of God, but they do not tell the full story. We find the full story in the revalation of Jesus Christ.
Here begins our study of 1 John. The book of 1 John begins, asking us the question what does it mean to be a Christian. John uses the statement several times, "I write these the so that you may know" He desires to make things clear.
So what is the main point of these first verses? To do this we look for the verb, and to the subject. "Proclaim" is the verb, and it's subject "the word of life". What is this word of life, what is is message. John is proclaiming a living message, which brings life, the goods news of what happened on Easter morning, that Jesus had conquered death, was resurrected, alive.
What does this good news do?
The good news of Easter...
1. ...bears witness to the identity of Jesus Christ. (1:1-2)
..So often we are simply told, Jesus was a good man, a wise man, an ethical example. All of these fall short. These same false ideas were present in John's time, and he seeks to clarify this by talking about the identiy of Christ.
.. The "word of life". this is the same "word" that we find in the gospel of John. The Word that created the universe and all that exits. He was preexistent, he gives life, he is in com union with the Father. In short he is God! Christ is himself eternal life. In him we find eternal life.
..This is an eyewitness account. John heard the word, the voice that spoke it. He saw, he gazed upon, he gave him his eyes, his earnest attention. And lastly, he toched, he flet, he examined, like a blind man seeking to know. Like Thomas in John 20, who places hands in the very wounds which killed Jesus.
2. ...extends an invitation to authentic fellowship.
.. This is relationship, not as just a casual passerby, but something intimate. Before Christ there was know fellowship with God at all. We are born as the enemies of God. But christ died, not just so that are wrongdoing is paid for, justified before a just God.
.. You can not be a Christian alone. Human nature is that we fight we each other, but God has given us a new heart, that we may love one another. We seek reconciliation with one another, because Christ has reconciled us, placed us in fellowship with God almighty.
3. ...offers the promise of true JOY!! (1:4)
.. Not a happiness that is temporary, that disappears when circumstances turn sour. What is greater that God, what can bless more that God, what cirumstance is more powerful that God? Nothing.
.. This world is on a perpetual pursuit of joy. Yet what they seek, the things we so often pursue, is never lasting, is not satisfying. In Christ alone do we find JOY! For through him we find fellowship with the most joy giving being in all te universe, God himself. Amen.
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