Prayer - The Prayer of Repentance
Psalm 51:1-19
Four Aspects to the Prayer of Repentance
1. The prayer if repentance seeks God's mercy. (51:1-2)
We are a generation that does not first seek forgiveness, but that instead seeks equivocation, that seems to prefer the absence of justice of and judgement over to giving of mercy. But isn't mercy the most wonderful, joyful thing to receive. It is a demonstration of true love, not that judgment would be banished, but that mercy and grace may be given and received.
What is mercy? Withholding the just judgement that someone deserves.
2. The prayer of repentance acknowledges our sin. (51:3-6)
A. The psalmist confesses his wrongdoing. (51:3)
..We are not telling anything to God that he does not already know. He is both judge and justifier. We cannot justify ourselves anymore justly, more rightly than God himself. Yet, we still try so hard to do this.
.. To confess means to say the same thing, to concur, to agree with the judgement.
B. He confesses his conviction. (51:3b)
.. Godly sorrow brings repentance, but worldy sorrow brings death.
C. He confesses that his sin is against God. (51:4)
D. He confesses that he has a sinful nature. (51:5)
.. We are not bad people because we do bad things, but we do bad things because at the core we are bad people. We are admitting that we need more that just a second chance. This is not the repentance that God desires. He is not handing out second chances, but a new heart.
E. He confesses that God desires integrity from him (51:6)
3. The prayer of repentance desires God's forgiveness and restoration. (51:7-12)
A. The biblical effects of sin:
I. Sin requires God's just punishment,
II. Sin ruptures our relationship with God.
B. The nature of biblical forgiveness and restoration:
I. Forgiveness includes cleansing from sin.
II. Forgiveness includes the fact that sin is no longer held to our account.
III. Forgiveness restores true JOY to our lives (51:8,12)
.. This is why equivocation is such a unsatisfying out. Because our forgiveness is that greatest joy we find. Do I truly understand this, to I truly realize it's value.
IV. Forgiveness empowers the Holy Spirit to have complete control in our lives. (51:10b, 12b)
. The prayer of repentance commits to live according to God's standard (51:13-17)
A. The evidence in our witness. (51:3)
B. The evidence in our praise and worship. (51:14-15)
C. The evidence in our obedience. (51:16-17)
God's JOY in our lives through repentance. Amen,
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