Prayer - The Prayer of Praise
Scripture - Psalm 66:1-20
How do we praise God in prayer?
Jim says there is no formula to prayer, no perfect pattern. I would like to note that is not to say that repetition is in itself not correct. In fact I find repetition is an important part of how God transforms my heart. I think the issue is that what God wants is a contrite heart. That is the words of our mouth do not truly reflect our heart, if our hearts are empty, then our words are empty.
The Paalms are a great. The first song from this morning was from Psalm 9. "Oh Lord, oh Lord how majestic is your name in all the earth."
1. We give praise to the Lord on the basis of His attributes. (66:1-4)
. In scripture there is a close relationship between someone's name and their attributes.
.. Jesus means "the Lord saves."
.. Simon gets his name changed to Peter, which means wthe rock. Because that on the testimony that Peter had received and proclaimed, the Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God,that upon that, that rock, God would build his church. Peter would spend the rest of his life proclaiming that truth.
. God is Holy. Isaiah 6:3. We praise him for that.
.Praise in an ongoing activity in our lives. Not just in the easy, good times, but in the difficult, desperate times, let praise flow eternal. It is an eternal activity. Rev. 4 Eternity doew not start the moment we die, but in the moment we turn to God. Eternity is now. So. Let his praise be declared now! Amen.
2. We give praise to he slots on the basis of His works. (66:5-12, 16-20)
. God is gracious, yes, but he his gracious, because he displays his grace. Let us praise him for his gracious deeds. "Come and see what God has done" v. 5
. Praise and thanksgiving go together. Psalm 100:4
. God's works of a corporate nature. (66:5-12)
.. V.6 God's work in the exodus.
.. But that exodus foreshadowed an even greater exodus. We were enslaved to the power of death, to our sins, but God sent his Son as a sacrifice for us, and crushed the power of hell, the power of sin in our life, and gave us eternal life. This is the eternal song of the redeemed. Revelation 5
.. The discipline of God. V. 10-12. He redeems us, but then disciplines us in His love. What would our life be like if God only saved us from destruction, but did not give us His discipline? Does God put a crushing burden on us? Yes, yes, the psalmist praises God for this, because it has sanctified and purified, and bo right us closer to Him, the true joy of our life.
. God's work of a personal nature. (66:16-20)
3. The practice of praise leads us to greater devotion and submission to God. (66:13-15)
. "Shout for joy to God all the earth; sing the glory of His name; give to his glorious praise."
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