Prayer: Praying for the Unconverted
How do we Pray for the Unconverted?
Matthew 9:35-38; John 4:31-38
Intro - over the last few weeks we've covered the what and how of prayer, now we turn to intercessory prayer, that is pray for others. Presently we are also prayer for our NAMB missionaries. We should be advocates for others in prayer.
1. Pray that we would recognize the existence of the unconverted.
. We see lots of people everyday, yet we do not perceive them as either brothers in Christ or as lost. This is an interesting thought. No matter how we run the numbers on this, the real lacking here is that we have not asked the Spirit to show us the lost. I must ask what is missing, when we have so much problems recognizing the brethren, let alone those who have not heard the go od news of Christ.
. Jim says 74% of North America is lost. 6777 people groups have not been reached.
. John 4:31-38 - in this passage Jesus must demonstrate to his disciples that there are lost all ar ound them. The fields are white for harvest.
2. Pray that the church would have compassion for the unconverted.
. V.36 Harassed and helpless. Jim says these terms are very graphic. Harassed meaning, flayed, cut open, and helpless like one that has been through down on te ground. Like sheep to the slaughter.
. Jesus compassion in this case is in contrast to the Greek gods of the time, that were known for their apathy towards mankind, no their compassion for mankind.
. Unless God opens our eyes and fills him with His companssion, we will never understand.
We can be passionate for programs, for ideology, for the latest social trend, for social justice, but all this is pride and idolatry if we do not have God's compassion in our hearts leading us. It isn't for our purposes that we do this, but for the glory of God's name, that all that hear may know of his goodness, mercy and grace.
3. Pray that God might send more laborers to the unconverted?
. Why do we need more laborers?
..The spiritual condition of the lost demand it.
.. The time involved in producing this harvest is lengthy.
.. The urgency of the harvest. We do not know the time of his coming.
.. I like to see people struggle over the truth of Christ, so that that they may come to know Him.
. Why do we not like prayer for this? Because we are across that it might be us.
. Note that the passage that follows this one in Matthew, that Jesus sends his disciples out. They were taught to pray for laborers, and like Isaiah they were sent. Here I am Lord, send me.
4. Pray that God might save the unconverted.
. Jim tells the great story of William Carey. Awesome, very convicting.
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