Prayer - Persevering in Prayer

Posted on April 10, 2011 by Unknown

Scripture: Luke 18:1-8; Luke 11:5-13; Matthew 15:21-28

Some Thoughts on Perseverance in Prayer
1. Three lessons in perseverance.
..1) Luke 18 - in second of the three sections of Luke, which focuses on the last year of Jesus' life. Here the time was getting closer to the cross. His geographical location, he teachings at this time all become, closer, clearer, more urgent, all pointing to the view of the cross. "Always pray, and do not lose heart." This is the message of Luke 18. Don't faint, but come in prayer. No matter whether weariness, busyness, illness, loss of life, loss of property or of personal harm.
... Persist persist persist persist persist persist persist. God hears or cries, and he is just and merciful to us.
..2) Luke 11:5-13 - in this chapter Jesus has given the Lord's prayer, and in these verses, He then proceeds to teach his disciples HOW to pray. Ask! Knock! The door will be opened.
..3) Matthew 15:21-28 - this one is not a parable, but a true story in Jesus life. He is in gentile lands at this point,and meets a Canaanite woman. Jesus says that he has come first for the nation of Israel, but she persists. And he responds with an un comfortable statement, that it is not his present mission. But she knows the value of christ, and asks for just the crumbs. He praises her faith, her demonstration of perseverance.

"We do not have, because we do not ask." don't give up, God is good!

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