Let the Children Come

Posted on January 24, 2010 by Unknown

Sermon Audio: Click to Listen
Scripture: Luke 18:15-17 - Listen
A look at what Christ's approach to children tell us about the Kingdom of God.

  1. Children have need to be blessed by Jesus. Jesus had a ministry of healing. Children have need of healing like ourselves. Deut 6:5-9 
  2. We prevent children's access to Jesus by adopting worldly attitudes and actions.The disciples rebuked them. This is no small thing. Think of what things Jesus rebuked. 
  3. Children possess special value to Jesus. 
  4. Our approach to children reveals our approach to the kingdom of God. 
Aside: What is the age of accountability? Is it the moment we suddenly become responsible for ourselves? No. It is simply the moment when our own sense of self has grown strong enough that we are willing to choose it over the presence of God. It is not the moment "we" have come of age, but when our pride has come of age. See Hebrews 10:18-39

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