I Love to Tell the Story - Part 3

Posted on February 21, 2010 by Unknown

Guest Speaker: Shane Little
Sermon Audio: Click to Listen
Scripture - Galatians 1:7-9 - Listen
Part three of a challenging series asking the questions, "What is the Gospel?" and"Why and how do we share?" 

What is the Gospel?
God - The gospel starts with God.
  • Sin cannot be defined without God first, because sin is an offence against. That is why salvation is reconciliation with God. You cannot start with Jesus loves you and has a plan for you life. Shane says, "A response being, 'That is great, I love me too!'."
Sin - We are confronted with the truth of our rebellion against God and its consequences. Acts 17:30-31
  • This is the part that is offensive to people. God convicts the spirit, not us.
  •  Romans 2:15-16, Through the law and the conscience we learn this.
  • Our wickedness and our rightousness is filthy before God. - Matthew 9:12-13
  • What are the evidence of true conviction.
    • Conviction of particular sins.
    • Conviction that we are sinfulness, (our nature itself) is at odds with God.
    • An understanding of who Christ is. Judge and advocate.
    • An understanding of what Christ did. Healed the sick, died on a cross, bore our sins. Substituted for us. 2 Corinthians 5:17-21
    It is not faith in the message, but in the person of Christ himself. We must "follow" Him, the person of Christ, trusting in his power for our salvation, not the formula of simply saying, 'I believe this and that'. We are unrevocably different in the trusting in HIM.
Repentance/Faith - An invitation with a built in command.  It is like a summons. We have been summoned before the Throne of God.
  • Repentance is not feeling sorry for your sin.  It is a radical break with the past.
Why should we evangalize? Matthew 28:20
  • Becuase God commanded it.
    • the heart of the command is to make disciples.
    • The command is for all christians, not just the disciples. Because it is until the end of the age.
    • Take it to all nations. All peoples, all cultures, "All" people within our reach.
  • Because we love the lost. Because God wants laborers.  Matthew 23:37, Mark 10:21, 1 John 4:7-8 Romans 10:13-15
  • Because we have a zeal for the Glory of God.  Isaiah 43:6-7  Romans 3:23,  Exodus 14:17 Ezekiel 20:14 Isaiah 49:3 Psalm 106:7-8  Matthew 5:16  1 Corinthians 10:31  Isaiah 43:25 John 14:13  John 17:18  John 12:27-28  Habakkuk 2:14
Piper says, The first purpose of the church is to worship God. Missions exists because worship does not.
If we go to missions for the purpose of the "people". We should not make missions as a humanist agenda.  Those people are vile and deserve to go to hell, just like ourslelves. God Glory is made greater by us sharing the gospel. This is why we share. Becuase we can't help but do so.
What can we do?
  • Go to all the world.
  • Be intentional about sharing the gospel.
  • Give sacrificially. Not just the leftovers.
  • Pray. Not just here and there. But for real. Pray sacrificially. Most of what we are praying should not just be for the sick and healing. Healing and suffering is the first thing we often prayer for. God gets glory through healing, yes, but it is to often our first focus, as if the healing is for its sake and not for the glory of God. God's glory is most lifted by more people coming to acknowlege it.
  • Spend more time with the King.

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