Ephesians 1-6 - An Overview

Posted on February 28, 2010 by Unknown

Sermon Audio - Click to Listen
Scripture: Ephesians Ch. 1-6  - Listen
This is the first sermon in the series and goes through a general overview of the Book of Ephesians.

Two Main Emphases in Ephesians
  1. Our life in Christ. 1:1-3:21
    1. Our understanding of God - Who is God?
    2. Our understanding of man - What state are we before God? We are children of wrath.
    3. Our understanding of salvation
      1. We have been predestined.
      2. We have been regenerated. Ch. 2 - We were dead men.
      3. We are recipients of God's grace and mercy.
      4. We have been saved from God's wrath.
      5. We have been reconciled to God.
      6. We have been redeemed.
      7. We have been united with Christ.
      8. We have incorporated into His body.
      9. We have been adopted as children into His family.
      10. We have been ordained for good works.
      11. We have been blessed with every spiritual blessing.
    4. Our understanding of the church. - The mystery of the church. A truth now revealed.
    5. Our understanding of the Holy Spirit.
  2. Our life for Christ. (4:1-6:24)
    1. Unity in the body of Christ.
    2. The pursuit of spiritual maturity.
    3. The pursuit of practical holiness.
      1. Honesty
      2. Self-Control
      3. Labor with integrity.
      4. Wholesome speech.
      5. The practice of forgiveness.
      6. Imitation of Christ
      7. Sexual purity.
    4. The pursuit of the Spirit-filled life.
      1. In worship.
      2. In the home.
      3. At work.
    5. Preparation for spiritual combat.
Nice overview and outline.  This should be a good series.

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