Ephesians - Thanksgiving in Action

Posted on March 28, 2010 by Unknown

Sermon Audio: Click to Listen
Scripture: Ephesians 1:15-23 - Listen
On the week of Passover, this sermon is very appropriate. Passover is in a way the Jewish Thanksgiving.

Understanding Christian Thanksgiving
  1. The reasons for our thankfulness. (1:15) - Paul is thankful for their faith and their love toward all the saints. All the saints, other churches as well. Can we list specific things. Are we always to first mention all we find wrong. Why do we criticize first.
  2. The expressions of our thankfulness. 1:16-19 A biblical hope is certainty of God's promises.  What is our prayer list?  Is it these things? Are we praying that others may have a spirit of wisdoem and revelation in the knowledge of Christ. Have eyes enlightened, that they may know the hope to we they are called.Know the hope , know the riches of God's inheritance, experience God's power.
  3. The source of our thankfulness.   Christ is our source of joy and all spiritual works.
Jim's assignment - Identify three people that you are thankful for whose faith and love encourage you. Spend each day thanking God for them. Then thank that person personally, and tell them specifically what it is we are thankful for. No family or pastor this time.

Strickle Family Dinner Prayer
Thank you Father for our life and breath
Thank you Jesus who has conquered death.
To your Glory we pledge our lives
Keep us oh Spirit in Christ reside
So, come Lord Jesus we are your guests,
and let these gifts in us be blessed.

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