Judges 6 - Here we go again...

Posted on August 14, 2013 by Unknown

The Fourth Judge - Gideon

So far we have seen a degradation of the judges, which though they deliver seem to be receding in character. Yet here we see an exception.  Hebrews 11 references three judges Barak, Samson, and Gideon. They are described as faithful.  Yet these men obviously doubted almost to an extreme.  So what makes them faithful? Fact is, when the time came, they followed through and obeyed.

This is one of the more lengthy accounts in Judges and in turn also one of the more well known passages. The deliverance is dynamic, but also is the fall from pride that follows.

Let us read: Judges 6:1-10

What is the problem? "The people did evil in the sight of the Lord."  This is a call out. They had pursued other gods, abandoned worship of Yahweh, and so God gave them into the hands of the Midianites for seven years.

The Midianites have a mixed history. Joseph was sold to the Midianites. Moses flees to them. His father-in-law is Midianite. They are invited to come with them to the promised land. Yet, they also abandon the people at the border.

Judges 6:8 -10

God sends a prophet. This prophet first reminds the people of God's mighty works by delivering his people. God did great and wondering things.  "I am the Lord your God" he reminds them. He reminds them of who he is, of the covenant that He is holding true unto. In turn this reminds them, reminds us of our own unfaithfulness. 

And I said to you, ‘I am the Lord your God; u you shall not fear the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell.’ But you have not obeyed my voice.”
If the story ended here, it would be the most depressing story around. Yet, it does not end here. Yahweh has not abandoned Israel. He has not abandoned us.

Psalm 103:10 - "He does not deal with us m according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities."

For His people this is not the last word. For us and believers in Jesus, coinheritors in him, this is not the last word. God is not done.

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