Judges 5 - Song of Deborah Part III
v. 11-18 - "Down to the gates marches the people of the LORD."
This is a summary of Deborah's call to the people. From v.14-18 we see six of the other tribes mentioned. Ephraim, Benjamin, Machir (the eldest son of Manasseh), Zebulun and Issachar. Zebulun and Naphtali are then singled out for a note of merit for their faithfulness, even unto death.
In verses 16-17 we also see the shaming and denouncement of those tribes that stayed behind. Reuben, Gilead, Asher and Dan.
Take note that at this point there is no human king of Israel. Yahweh is the king. The deliverer is what unites the people in the book of Judges. These are the judges often. What Deborah and Barak do here is really quite extraordinary. To unite so much of the country is quite amazing.
The deliverer unites the people. Is not this a picture of Jesus? And from where does the deliverer receive his power? Is it not from the Father? What a awesome picture!
v. 19-23 - "The kings came, they fought"
This is the story of the battle itself. The Canaanite kings fought, but they are defeated. They are defeated not by the armies, but by the heavens themselves (v.20), by the Kishon brook, which became a torrent, making the chariots unusable. This is a double insult to the Canaanites, because they believed that their god Baal sent the rains. To realize that their god is no god, that Yahweh in fact made the rains.
Note Meroz, which was a local town that likely had abandoned the covenant and rejected Yahweh. They are in v.23 cursed for not coming to the "help of the Lord."
v. 24-27 - "Most blessed of women be Jael"
This part is the very vividly told story of Jael inviting in Sisera and killing him with a tent peg. Man what a telling. What a picture of judgment.
v. 28-30 - "Why is his chariot so long in coming"
Sisera's mom is languishing that her son isn't back. Where is the loot she asks? A womb or two for every man... Contrast Sisera, a woman of privilege, concerned with the material spoils of the evil deeds of her son, with the character of Jael, who stayed faithful despite the faithlessness of her husband, far from the people of Israel, she remembers the promises of God and truly come to the "help of the LORD."
v. 31 - The friends of God, may they "be like the sun as he rises in his might."
One of the few times we see this friendship language in the old testament. We are reminded that without God, the nation of Israel is the same as the Canaanites, but if they remain in the covenant the are in relationship with him, and will prosper.
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