Psalm 2 - A Song of God's Providential Care
Three Dimensions of God's Care for His People
.God's care for us is personal. (23:1)
..The LORD is my shepherd
...What an awesome fitting thought this is right now. Or church has many persona joys and struggles right now. death, birth, financial. God is telling us he does care about even these things that are personal.
...God is not just a national God here to Israel. Instead David is capturing the idea that God is more than his nations God, but that God claims him personally,
..Jesus is our Good Shepherd
...That he user My God. and only God can truly care for these personal needs.
... What can we do that encourages and lifts us up the most? Demonstrate how comforting we can be to one another. all. Our comforting efforts are nothing if that do not first proclaim that only God truly can comfort, can heal, can save.
.God's care for us is intentional.
..Sheep are stupid. They put themselves in danger all the time. We are much the same. They eat a patch of grass, then wander in the circle of the patch and starve. they must be led to waterr and food. we are muvh the same. AS Americans we feel we have so many needs, but instead we have many wants.
... Like in John 4, God has springs if living water, Jesus is the bread of life. these are more than mere physical needs, they are the eternal needs, the spiritual needs that which without the flesh is dead.
..God's provision.
... What we need is God himself. not the things he gives, himself. Sheep don't need grass, they need first and foremost a shepherd.
..God's rest and peace.
...When we experience his peace, we will can true rest.
..God's guidance.
... We wander into so many things that will prove trechourous for us. we needs God's wisdom. He guides us not for just our benefit, but for the greatness of His name. when God's name is proclaimed it is in the view of his glory that we will find satisfaction. if we only seek our comfort we will not succeed. Even in the shadow of the valley of death we can find pthe comfort we seek, but not for comfortable circumstances, but because He is with me, his rod and his staff comfort me.
.. God's protection.
.God's care for us is extraordinary.
..because we have reconciliation with God we can be reconciled wi th one another as care.
..We are given special phonor. the oil is poured on our head. We are honored not for ourselves, but because we stand in his presence.
.. we are in he house of the Lord forever. Usually on the priest were in the house most often. out needs and cares need attention, oh but what joy is it that temple is no longer a building, but we are his temple now. our bodies are his dwelling place. we are made worthy by that we are abiding in Him. he has renewed o That he user My God. and only God can truly care for these personal needs. What can we do that encourages and lifts us up the most? Demonstrate how comforting we can be to one another. all. Our comforting efforts are nothing if that do not first proclaim that only God truly can comfort, can heal, can save. spirit.
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