John 8:12-30 2nd Revelatory Statement
And now... Back to John.
This section is asking the question what is the relationship of Jesus to the Father.
Light as an important image of the glory of God throughout the OT. Exodus 13,
Light as a protection. Exodus 14:19 The angel blocked he path of the egyptians and God gave the Israelites light to travel at night.
Light is an instruction. Psalm 119
Light as the glory of God. Ezekiel 1
The servant of the Lord is a light to the Gentiles. Isaiah 49:6 60:19 Revelation 21
John 8:12 - Jesus is the light of the world. This is a clear claim to deity. This chapter goes with chapter 7. Here in 8 Jesus begins revealing himself to the people.
In Ch 7 Christ reveals that he has come to heal, to heal all of us that a sick with sin. He reveals that he comes to bring living water, and finally here that he is the light.
In the evening, the people during the festival of booths would light 4 lamps outside the temple with great celebration. Some historians say that there would have been enough light glowing from the temple to light up the whole city. Never heard that before, that is a really beautiful and awesome image.
This light is the only light, there is no other. What this light does is reveal the ugliness of our sin and all that is good in the world.
Let us think about how beautiful it is that God is light, and that in having him we have all that is beautiful and that which can make all things beautiful. God is good, God is all we need.
To be continued...
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