Leftovers - Pt II
Posted on November 30, 2014 by Unknown
There are two thing that the world always talks about but the church often does not. Sexuality and money. Two personal? Or negligent if we do not talk about it. The truth of God has something to say on this, so if we love each other it is something we must talk about.
To main reasons that people don't give:
- That don't plan for it.
- That don't think the church needs it.
Do we do that with any other part of our life. If you have children and say, I don't need to plan for the care of my children, or say, "My kids are fine." "They don't need me." What would you call a dad like that. A deadbeat dad. Applied to church these reasons would simply be the average church member.
**Two false notions about the money in the church**
Treating God as the waiter that you tip.
God's only intention for our money is that we give it away.
**The True Way**
- Jesus' radical generosity toward us should be a model and motivation for radical generosity towards others.
As we earn and increase in wealth, we should do this not for our sake of living, but for our ability to give.
Matthew 18:23-35
This parable is about forgiveness but it is also about money. It shows us the purpose of money.
2) We are not to trust in riches and not to define our lives by the abundance of our possession.
Worry , worry worry. This is what defines those that pursue and define them selves by riches. Downside he following. Matthew 6:25-33. Not even Solomon is dressed as those God cares for. Also, though God doesn't promise us that everything we be easy , rich and luxurious. What he does promise is that God is better than all those things. It is true freedom to be under the care of God.
Will you put ourselves under God's care? Will you give all we have to Him? Nobody comes into church and says, "I'm struggling with stinginess." We all think we are poor.
But what God what seeks is a people that gives their lives to him, and are a generous people.
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