Knee Deep - John 16:31-33 - Gus Spanos

Posted on September 7, 2014 by Unknown

We know what it means to feel overwhelmed.  We might be overwhelmed by our own decisions, or perhaps by the decisions and consequences of others. School, work, or lack there of… family, kids…. What about the church?  Perhaps you feel overwhelmed by the keep the church together.  Committee meetings, decisions,

Life can so often play hardball.  Gus said he is preaching this because he needs to preach it to himself.  We are all overwhelmed.

In the Psalms David often articulated this feeling.  Life is just to big, I can't fix this.  I need to get away. But this isn't ancient history.  Our toys may be more expensive, our music louder, our cars faster, but we are the same.

**1. Overwhelmed (John 16:33a)**
This is a contrast of two radically different approaches to life.  In the chapters before this section Jesus has just told them in detail of the end of the age.  They were feeling overwhelmed already.  Christ told them what would happen.  They would run away.  

>"YOU will have tribulation."

Jesus tells his disciples and us the truth of the matter.  I will have hardship.  There is no doubt of this.  So let us ask this question. How do you know that you are overwhelmed?

Ten Warning Signs:

  1. Busy and tired are the words you most often used to described yourself.
  2. You are always in a hurry.
  3.  Every time you look at your schedule you say, OH MY… stress, anxiety.
  4. You get less and less sleep.
  5. You always see others as the reason for your problems.
  6. You keep saying what you are going through is a season.
  7. You show less and less compassion for others.
  8. You start to loose hope.  "It doesn't matter…"
  9. You begin to withdraw from family and friends.
  10. You can't remember the last time you genuinely had fun.

**2. Overcome (John 16:33B)**
>"You will have tribulation… BUT take heart: I have overcome the world."

This is in contrast to being overwhelmed.  But how does this happen, how does it work?

Note first that Jesus says that has said this so that we may have peace.  There is hope because our salvation does NOT come from within but from Jesus Christ.

Let us remember these things:

*1. Realize that you are not alone.*
Even Jesus felt alone.  Remember that Garden prayer, remember his cry from the cross.  "My God, why have you forsaken me!".
*2. Recognize God's Plan (To Bring HIM Glory)*
The primary plan to however bad it is, God desires for his glory to be seen in your life.
*3. Rely on Jesus Christ to see you through.*
Survival of the fittest is not how this works.  To experience life to the fullest we must trust Jesus. Jesus.  Even the secularist sometimes know this, to be empowered they say to look outside yourself.  But considered what it is they trust in.
*4. Refocus our attention on the Lord*
Focus, focus… We cannot hold multiple things in our mind all the time, no matter how we try.  Focus is about
*5. Respond to His invitation to Follow HIM.*
We have heard to word today.  God is asking for a response. He has issued an invitation. What do we say?

We do not always know each others problems, but God does.

To be honest, when God is at the closest, is when I'm at the weakest.

Let us trust him.  Trust God.

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