Psalm 94 - The Consolations of God that Cheer the Soul

Posted on June 1, 2014 by Unknown

This is a momentous day.  It is the last day that our pastor Jim will be preaching here in our congregation.  In light of that, there is a message from text this week that has spoken directly to the moment.  In that way Jim is sharing that which God has attached in his heart.  It is a message of consolation, of remembrance.

>Psalm 94:19 - "When the care of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul."

Psalm 94 is a cry out to God from the nation of Israel in a time of trouble.  They are oppressed and attacked by the nations around them, who are pouring salt in the wound by declaring, "where is your God!!"

Verse 19 can be broken into two parts.  The first gives a statement of situation, "When the cares of my heart are many…". The second is a promised response, "… your consolations cheer my soul.".

We have so many cares.  As our pastor, Jim, knows this, for in these years he has seen spouses die, financial crisis, rebellious children, internal striving, all our worries and anxieties.  But this is the good news.  For as this happens, there is consolation. 

Here are five statements of consolation. They are the Balm given to us for our wounds, giving to us by the Spirit when our cares are many.

**1. The consolation of the gospel.**
We tend to think of the gospel as the method of our salvation, of our way out of judgment. We tend to think of this as a matter of conversion, as something we state and understand at the beginning of our walk as a Christian. But the gospel is what we live at all times. 

- The gospel helps us understand what we once were.
- The gospel helps us recall what we once deserved.  We deserved to be judged, to die and to live an eternity in hell. 
- The gospel lets us know what we have in Christ.  The perfect glory of God. As a reward for his faithfulness, Jesus went to a cross and died viciously. He paid the penalty, and this sacrifice received, Jesus was raised from the dead and conquered every foe.  He cancelled sin that we may be forgiven.  We are a new creation in him.

This is why we need to preach the gospel of grace to ourselves everyday, every moment. 

**2. The consolation of God's personal ministry to us.**
- *The consolation of the Father.* No whether our earthly father has abandoned us or has been a faithful example, we all still lack in this.  Each father has failed, yet we have a Father above that brings us comfort. That comes to us affectionately as only a Father can.  He guides us and disciplines us in love to bring us to completion.  Furthermore, he gives us an inheritance that has been set aside. 
- *The consolation of the Son.* Our husband and we the bride.  To know the love of Christ, that surpasses understanding.  Oh, to know the ultimate sacrifice that he has made on our behalf.  What consolation this is that drowns all our cares.  Furthermore, he acts as our high priest and intercedes on our behalf before the throne of the Father. 
- *The consolation of the Holy Spirit.*  This is our counselor, the one who dwells within us, shaping our thoughts and emotions, our hearts and desires.  For he helps us in our weakness and intercedes for us as well.  He brings to our minds the remembrance of all that we know of Christ and of the Father.  In Christ we have a mediator in heaven and in the Holy Spirit we have a mediator on heaven.  Lastly, in him we are sealed, the guarantee of our inheritance.  

**3. The conolsaiton of God's Word.**
God has given us by his great his enduring Word.  It is all we need for life and godliness, (2 Peter 1).  See also Psalm 119. "This is my comfort in my affliction: for thy word has quickened me.". Over and over there are verses like these.

**4. The consolation of God's people.**
This is how we sustain in this life.  We encourage and edify one another in the admonition of the Lord.  We have peace with God and that give us peace with one another.  This may offend some, but the family of God in Christ is more family than blood family.  Do the following task:  take the phrase "one another" and search all the new testament for this phrase.  You will find a list of things that the church does one to another for our growth in Jesus.  For our brothers and sisters in Christ are what hold us up.  Let us not lay this aside.

**5. The consolation of our future hope.**
This is what we look forward to.  In Christ is our hope forever more. 

2 Corinthians 4
Revelation 1:3-5

Brothers and Sisters.  This is not it!  This is not the end. This momentary affliction will not overcome us.  When the cares of the heart are many, the hope of our destiny in Jesus cheers our soul. 

Amen and Amen.  It has been a blessing with you the Lehman family these years.  May our reunion in the heavens and our service before Him in the age to come be our hope and joy as the day draws near.  We love you family!

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