Our Task for Life or Death - Capitol Hill Baptist

Posted on June 22, 2014 by Unknown

2 Corinthians 2:14-3:6 - Zach Schlegel

This begins a six week study on this book. In it Paul is writing a young church that had begun.  The difficulty of the moment was that there were false teachers that were spreading dissent bringing to question Paul's c.  There were four letters in this sequence.  Two of which we have.  The first (1 Corinthians), the second a letter of scolding, and the third is this letter of joy and comfort (2 Corinthians).  It this he goes over the characteristics of a healthy congregation.

The Character of a True Gospel Ministry

**1) It's goal.**
*To spread the knowledge of God.*
In verses 14 - 17 Paul uses the image of a triumphal procession.  The victor, Christ comes through leading the smelly prisoner (Paul) through the street.  He is a stench to one, and life to another.

Speaking to elders/pastors.  Death is at work in us (the messengers) so that life may be brought in you (the listeners).  This is the job description of elder/pastor.  It is the image of Christ.  When we are faced with weakness or suffering, we should not turn from it, but to turn to it.

Now we must ask, how can anyone possibly want to be a Christian if it means suffering. Yet Paul is holding true. How is he doing this. 

- Paul is convinced of God's soveriengty over every part of his life, even his suffering.
- Paul help fast to the hope of heaven.
- Paul had the right goal, to spread the aroma of Christ. (v.17)

**2. It's credentials.**
*Lives that have been changed by the gospel of God.*

Paul's opponents were trying to show off their "credentials" and had deceived the people of the church. 

2 Corinthians 11 - The opponents were better "speakers", they wanted to themselves to be shown and greater that Paul and so spoke poorly of him. 

But what is it that Paul responds to them, he reminds them from whom it was that they heard and learned the gospel truth.  Paul rejoiced in them as his spiritual children.  It is a little like a father having his son come up and say, "Dad, I found some better parents.  They are smarter and have better snacks.  I'm going to go with them."

This is how elders are chosen in the church here.  Not based on speaking skills or how many books written, but living letters of commendation that are the lives of those that have been changed by the Spirit of God.

**3. Confidence**
*Confidence is rooted in inadequacy not in self-sufficiency. *

So what is it that is holding us? What is it that we are inadequate to do? Name it.
But what does it mean for us to depend on the Spirit.

Admit you can't do it. John 15:5
Pray God to help me.  Go in Prayer
Trust in the promises of God's world. Seek the scripture to know those promises. Specific verses.
Some examples: scared - Matthew 28; resentments - Romans 12; vengeance - Vengeance is mine says the Lord.
Act - step out in obedience - the act of trust. Philippians 12 - Work out our salvation in fear and trembling.
Thank God - 1st thing in 2 Corinthians 2:14

So where is your confidence? There is only one foundation.  Jesus Christ. Amen.

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