Psalm 23

Posted on May 4, 2014 by Unknown

This morning as we continue through the Bible, we have rested several weeks on the life of David and many of the Psalms he wrote.  This morning we will look at perhaps the most beloved of the Psalms, the 23rd Psalm.  This song is beloved by Christians and non-Christians alike.   Used at funerals or in times of struggle, today we will reflect on what this means to us, on how as followers of Jesus we declare that he is our good shepherd. 

**1. God is the shepherd of His people.**
A rather obvious insight, right?  Yet it is a profound one.  Consider what this declares.  First, it declares GOD IS. God (Yahweh), the personal God, that has drawn us to himself, HE IS our shepherd.  Look at many of the psalms and scripture though, and we see this is a unusual way to declare who God IS.  After all so many of the psalms declare the majesty of God, His glory, his kingship.  This is personal here. 

Secondly, this isn't just declaration of who God IS, but also a who to. God is MY SHEPHERD.  This is a personal declarative.  God is my shepherd, is our shepherd.  We can say this both individually and corporately.  The fact that this song was in the book of Psalms meant that this was a cooperate song, for the gathered worship of all the people.     

In light of the gospel, let us consider the verse we started our service with today.  John 10:1-8 This is the fulfillment of the promises demonstrated in this song. Who is the good shepherd, the one who saves, the one who is with us always. It is Jesus Christ, our Lord!

*So what does it mean to be a shepherd? *
1) First he give us all we need in full supply.  v.1-2.  We shall not be in want.  We are led to still water, and we lie down in green pastures.  This is a visual that not only is God providing, but providing in abundance.  We lie down because there is a field of abundance around us.  If there was no more grass, the sheep would not lie down.
2) He gives us life.  Verse 3 - "He restores by soul (life)." Consider the picture given of a sheep at the last of life, languishing in the wilderness, unable to continue.  Yet here God comes, and he restores our life, and gives us what we need.
3) God faithfully leads us for his glory.  - "He leads me in paths of righteousness, for HIS NAMES SAKE." This is not a statement of moral status.  This is the act of God leading us in his own faithfulness.  God doesn't need a "good" people to feel fulfilled. He leads us not in our righteousness, but his own righteousness for his own glory.  God is always present with us, his righteousness overshadows us and "though we walk in the valley of the shadow of death" we fear nothing, we fear no evil.  This is more than a emotional comfort, this is a theological declaration of the nature of salvation.   

But this doesn't end with who the shepherd but with what he will do.  Goodness and Mercy will pursue us, chase us, like a cheetah to the prey, we are followed to the end by God, so that we will dwell in the house of God Forever.

**2. The people of God must Trust and Obey the Shepherd.**
This is our response.  But this is not what we sometimes think.  First it is a declaration of God's love for us.  To say that we trust, states that there is a faithful, a trustworthy person in which we trust.  Faith is a trust in HIM, and what he has done for us through Jesus Christ.  So often this is characterized and blind obedience, but it is so much more. We obey because he trust God's care.  Our obedience is there because of who God is.  Trustworthy, faithful, and Good.

There are many application we can find from this song, today we will focus on one particular application for our church, this day. Before we see this, let us consider one more thing about this psalm.  David was declared a shepherd (Psalm 78) of Israel, furthermore he was the king "after God's own heart".  It appears that David is a fulfillment of God's love. Yet David was not this.  He was a demonstration of God's love and care for his people, but it still was only for a time.  For this psalm to be true however, for to live with God forevermore, we understand that we will have many "undershepherds" in our life, that care for our souls to the glory of God.  And until Christ comes, we as men, will die.  Yet… what remains, it is Jesus, it is God himself. He is our shepherd forevermore.  In the life of the church pastors (shepherds) care for the flock, and this is acknowledged in the new testament. Pastors are called the under-shepherds. It is the knowledge

We must in these days consider this, know this in the days ahead. Amen.

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