Psalm 19 - God's Word Sustains Life

Posted on December 8, 2013 by Unknown

What is life?  We learn in school that we need water, shelter and food. As parents we see how necessary we need each other, how much the baby depends on its mother and father.

Last week, we learned how life comes only from God. That without God we are physically dying and spiritually dead. Only in Him can we have live. But through Jesus, we are reborn, and now living in Him!  But now we ask the question how is this life sustained?

Let us look aThe law of the Lord is perfect…" It is on this premise that we begin and on the understand that we examine this passage, and ask the following question…

**How Does God's Word Sustain Life?**
*God's Word sustains life by leading us…*

**1. … to repentance and forgiveness.**
>12 Who can discern his errors?
Declare me innocent from hidden faults. (Psalm 19:12 ESV)

Like the passage in James, God's word is a mirror into our life.  None of us would likely go out in public without looking in a mirror first.  How much more should our lives be put next to the mirror of scripture. We have no idea where are at, and what we look like without the light of scripture. 

But is doesn't end there. Yes, we are dead, shriveled in that light, but …

>7 The law of the Lord is perfect: **reviving the soul**  

We are made new, revived, watered and full of life.  It is the word of the God that revives us and sustains us.

**2. … in the way of righteousness.**
Stay of the path!  But to stay on the path, we must be able to see the path.

>the commandment of the Lord is pure,
enlightening the eyes; Psalms 19:8-9 (ESV)

*Side Note:  My son Elias often says that he can see in the dark so well because God has given him "bright eyes".  In truth, that is the language of this very verse. *

There is always danger in front of us, around us, but it is staying on the path that we are able to remain on that path.  It is a path sometimes full of difficulty, but always a path of goodness, one laid with the beauty and glory of God.  What have we to fear?!

**3. … to experience the Joy of the Lord.**
What is the result of our life in God?  It is JOY!.  For to be with God, is to know goodness and beauty and to be filled with joy.  How often do we set aside the word of God for other things we think we bring us joy.  For things that will not work but for a moment.

**How Should We orient Ourselves to God's Word?**
**1. We should relentlessly engage the Word of God… (19:10)**
God's word is for delightful that gold, more sweet that honey.
- … through reading the Word. (Starting next year we are going to be reading through the entire Bible together!)
- … through hearing the Word. (As we gather next year, we will hear sermons on these very passages.)
- … through study of the Word. (We must take what we hear and seek to understand it)
- … through the memorization of the Word. (We internalize it, so that it is with us always)
- … through meditation on the Word. (We meditate, prayer over it, so that we live it).

**2. We should practically apply the Word of God. (19:14)
When his word are my words, then only then do I have life. 

> Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in your sight,
O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.

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