John 1:1-18 - God's Word Becomes Flesh

Posted on December 22, 2013 by Unknown

The Christmas story is one we usually read from Matthew and Luke, but there is another Christmas story, the one in the book of John.  It isn't the narrative of Mary and Joseph and a trip to Bethelem and a birth in a stable.  Instead is the beginning of the story that is seeking to answer the question, "Who is Jesus?"  It is a story that starts with the account from the beginning of creation.

We usually think of the idea of a word as an expression of the heart and mind.  Consider how creation was made.  God said, "Let there be light!" and there was light. By a word was creation made.  So is it strange to consider this idea, that the word, that expression of God's heart and mind, might be bound in the flesh of a man?  Similar to the prophets that came before Jesus spoke out God's word.  But he was more than that, he was the embodiment of God's word, speaking, yes, but obediently, faithfully, and without fault LIVING the very word of God. 

The Word of God is so powerful that it creates life, even making life out of that which is dead - bring the dead to life.  As much as we might want this, we are powerless to express it by ourselves.  So God sent Jesus to live that life for us, so that we make be transformed to live that life in Jesus himself.

Therefore, to accomplish this the "Word became flesh!"

So we ask three questions in relation to this today…

**1. Who is the Word? (1:1-5)**
The Word is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the second person of the Trinity. 

John spends a entire book to answer this question, yet begins with this idea. Jesus Christ is himself God. And how is this demonstrated?

First off, he was never born, just as God was, the Word was.

> 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. John 1:1-2 (ESV)

Second, all things were made by him.

>All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.  John 1:3 (ESV)

Next, he is the light and life of men.  He is the light itself, which cannot be overcome.

>In him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:4-5 (ESV)

Finally, the word was God, is God, and always will be. 

>And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.  John 1:14 (ESV)

All that is God, is in Jesus Christ. Yet, he was born into "flesh" a thing grimy and often grim, for sin has overtaken the world.  But Jesus was able to overcome all of the world.

**2. Why did the Word become flesh? (1:14-18)**
The Word became flesh to make God known and to reveal his glory to his fallen people.

God is with us! Dwelling among a sinful, hopeless, people.  Why would God, perfect and righteous come dwell with such a people?  To reveal HIS GLORY, to reveal to us his nature.  He came showing his holiness, yes, but also his grace. "His glory" first, yes, but also his nature, "full of grace and truth." This is the one who would give his own body up as a sacrifice for us. Full of grace and truth indeed!

**3. How will we respond to the Word? (1:19-13)**
This is a question that cannot be answered from the pulpit, but I will give you two options. 

First, Jesus has shown a light. "The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world.". The darkness has been expelled. Those that have heard the gospel, have seen the light.

And so our choices are this.  Acknowledge the light and stay in the light, or reject the light and stay in the darkness.  You can love your blindness, trying to live as your own God.  This is a path that truly leads to death and hell.   


You can receive Jesus.  You must believe on his name.  It is more than just a head acknowledgement, an agreement with no action or change.  Instead this means submitting our thoughts, our resources, our very lives to Jesus.  Believe in the one who created the universe and is able to fulfill all his promises, making us part of his family, to be with him forever. 

So, will this Christmas be the same as every other year, that you hear the story, but stay in the dark, or will you seek the light, and believe.  God is good, and loves those he has saved from judgment.  Believe ….

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