Judges 7 - From 10,000 to 300

Posted on October 23, 2013 by Unknown

**The Wisdom of God and the Foolishness of Men**
(Also see 1 Corinthians 1)

In the previous verses we see God trim down his force from 10,000 to 300.  To attack the masses of the Midianites with 300 is shear foolishness, but this foolishness is not so when God is the one doing it. The 300 demonstrate clearly who is doing the work.

Verses 9-14  After all of Gideon's questioning and need for a sign, we see God provide him with evidence and encouragement without being prompted. But still he does ask patiently for Gideon to obey by asking him to go down to the enemy and listen. But this task is meant to encourage him, to give him understanding.  (Obedience precedes Understanding).

First the bad news. The writer here makes it clear how many enemies they were facing. (verse 12).  Like a black plague of locusts, or sand in the seashore.  VAST numbers.

Then the good news, God's encouragement. (verse 13-14) God sent this man, this enemy had a dream where a loaf of bread destroyed the Midianites camp.  The interpretation is very interesting as the soldiers friend, said the load if Gideon and God has "given into his hand Median and all the camp."

The phrase used by the soldier is the same as in the story of Joseph. "I dreamed a dream"

**The Response**
- Worship
- Faith
- Obedience 

>As soon as Gideon heard the telling of the dream and its interpretation, he worshiped. (verse 15a)

How interesting is Gideon's response. It isn't fear, but it is worship.  And he clearly says what will happen, and by whom…

>"Arise, for the Lord has given the host of Midian into your hand." (verse 15b)

And ultimately because of that faith, he immediately obeyed.

*This it seems is the real moment when the faith of Gideon takes hold.*

Keep in mind, that Gideon had little experience in how he was to relate to Yahweh.  God patiently deals with him, leading him to this great moment of faithfulness.

Question - Is that loaf of bread that crushes the camp a type of Christ?  Jesus the bread of life (John 6).

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