1 Thessalonians – A Faith That Binds Together
1 Thessalonians – A Faith That Binds Together
What do you think of when someone says family? Do you think that someone that has helped you through a trying time: a mother or father, sister or brother? Or do we think of the family that embarrasses. The grand-dad who dresses funny. The brother with the drug or alcohol addition.
Paul tells us that faith is something that binds us together, that makes us family. But what is this faith. This isn't just an emotional feeling. No, that would not do, that wouldn't be enough. Emotion and civil comradery is fickle and insufficient. But… if we have been truly changed in the blood of Christ, made new then it your faith is not based on yourself, and your own physical and emotional stability, but on physical and emotional stability, upon the love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
In short, faith demonstrates itself is radical Christian fellowship.
What is this faith and what does bind in us. What does it look like.
- The picture of Christian fellowship.
What is fellowship? This has really become a "church" word, rarely used in the culture at large. This is more than just a brotherhood or sisterhood united, it is about what that group is united around. The common dominator of Paul and the Thessalonians, and about all our church as well, is that we have all trusted together in Jesus Christ. It doesn't matter, how we look, what we wear, class, race or otherwise. What binds us is a burning, self-denying LOVE! That love is for our savior, Jesus Christ. For the one who sacrificed himself for us. But it does not stop with Jesus. In fact read here in 2:17-3:5.
> 17But since we were torn away from you, brothers, for a short time, in person not in heart, we >endeavored the more eagerly and with great desire to see you face to face, 18because we wanted to >come to you—I, Paul, again >and again—but Satan hindered us. 19For what is our hope or joy or crown >of boasting before our Lord Jesus at his coming? Is it not you? 20For you are our glory and joy.
>1Therefore when we could bear it no longer, we were willing to be left behind at Athens alone, 2and >we sent Timothy, four brother and God's coworker1 in the gospel of Christ, to establish and exhort you >in your faith, 3that no one be moved by these afflictions. For you yourselves know that we are >destined for this. 4For when we were with you, we kept telling you beforehand that we were to suffer >affliction, just as it has come to pass, and just as you know. 5For this reason, when I could bear it no >longer, I sent to earn about your faith, for fear that somehow the tempter had tempted you and our >labor would be in vain.
The depths of Paul's great love for the believer is Thessalonica is what is driving him in this letter. Also it is their love for him as well. It troubles him so much that while he is in prison he sends back his only companion, Timothy. Additionally, Timothy must make the dangerous travel journey, he sends his alone as well. This is all risky, but it I from the love of the saints, over his spiritual children that he does this.
He prays for the desire to see them face to face. To provide what they lack. To send away about his own comforts to see after the comfort of the others.
So let us take this to ourselves. When we go to work on Monday, do we desire to see the saints again on Sunday? Is there suspicion we have for one another? Do we rejoice with any of the saints prosper, or are we jealous? When a brother or sister has trouble, do we anguish as well, or do we secretly find joy is their sufferings. Do we say, "see I told you so." Let it not be so. Let us read this passage again. Let us apply this faithfully and truthfully in our lives.
The love we know and share is the same as the trinity, The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit has for each other and overflowing from that down to us as well. The Son's sacrifice gives us access to the throne of the Father, and the Holy Spirit is given to us as guarantee, (Ephesian 1), of that love.
Challenges from the Pastor
- Do not forsake gathering with the brethren
- Pray for and with your brothers and sisters. Do you weary yourself out in pray, or sit weary for one's self.
- Learn to know as many as you can in the body. Always seek out those that are new, and get to know those you do not know.
- Pray and encourage those suffering. Do not gossip, and revel secretly in their suffering.
- Be open to one another and share your struggles with the saints.
- Be intentional, even when others reset. It is not easy to open up. Be loving.
(From Michael) - Additional Reading. Psalm 40. 2 Samuel 1
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