Ruth 2-The Beauty of God's Providence

Posted on November 27, 2011 by Unknown

God is good and perfectly cares for his creation. In this sermon we reflect how great God's providence is. No matter how out of control the world seems, God is in control.

The beginning of Ruth begins in sorrow, with Naomi stating that she should simply be called "bitter". But chapter 1 ends on a happy note with the onset of the barley harvest. Following this is perhaps the central theme of the book of Ruth, a reflection of the beauty if God's providence. 

How does God demonstrate his great providence?
God's providence is experienced in the context of the ordinary mundane affairs of life. (2:1-7)
We think of life as a series of milestones: births, weddings, deaths, kids leaving home, new jobs, etc.  We easily point to how God works in this, but this are momentary things. Perhaps it is more true that life is a series of mundane tasks. But God provides much in the little things. 

God is at work in providing her needs.
V. 7 Ruth was in need, but she also went out, with all the strength she had to sustain her and Naomi's daily life. That strength is from God.

God is at work in where to go to work. 
Her steps were not chance or coincidence. V.3 Ruth "so happened" to come to the field of Boaz. There is irony in this verse in the context of the whole book. There was no random event. This meeting, this little event is one that leads directly to the ultimate birth of the Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ!

God's providence is displayed continually in manifold expressions of his goodness. (2:8-16)
Romans 8:28 - God works all things for the good of his people. 
How did God demonstrate that here?
  • V.8-9 Boaz provides protection.
  • Boaz provides water. Usually the workers had to provide their own water.
  • Boaz speaks kindly to her. 
  • Boaz asks her to sit at their lunch table. She eats until she is satisfied. In ancient times this would be an extraordinary grace. To have something leftover would be very unusual.
Why is she showed these kindnesses?
  • V.12 Not for what she had done, but because she had already placed herself under the loving care and protection of the Lord God, under the shadow of his wing. From chapter 1, "...your God shall be my God."

God's providence produced extraordinary Christ-centered joy! (2:17-23)
The Naomi wanted to change her name to Mara, to bitter, God has an response. God responses are always for our good, and thought sometimes trying, that always have one result, Joy!

The standard daily ration might have been 1-2 pounds or grain, here Ruth is bringing back 30 pounds, about a months worth of food. But this was much more than just food. Boaz was a kinsman redeemer, (more on this next week). Indeed God was a protector and provider.  Not even death can separate us from the love of God.

So here is the challenge. It is the will of God that we give thanks continually. For all the things in l I've we think we deserve, there is nothing we deserve, but we are presented not for ourselves a daily portion, but a cup running over with abundance of God's good love. 

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