John 8: 31-59 - Who's your Daddy?
The Jews that believed in Jesus. V.32
We are not slaves! They claim.
They say, we are sons of Abraham ... Ethnicity does not get you get there.
They say, we are not born of sexual immorality... A insult at Jesus
They say, we are God's children, because of the promises made to Moses.
Jesus' response:
If of Abraham you would be doing his works.
They want to kill him. They follow the way of their father, the murder. Satan is their father.
They speak lies, because it is out of their nature, as is their father: the father of lies.
To hear in the sense used in these verses is not just listening, but listening and doing because of the words that have been heard.
In some ways, it appears the Jews here are more concerned with their state as Jews, their Jewishness, instead of being concerned with the one they call father. Jesus does not mince words here. This really does appear to be a bit of a heated argument. Yet, Jesus is calling them fervently to truth, pointing continually back to the father. He ends with the strongest evidence of his mission and deity, that he will conquer death. This is why the resurrection is so central to the gospel. Without the resurrection the teachings of Jesus would fall down.
Jesus seeks the approval of is Father. The Jews are so concerned with their heritage of Abraham, that they have missed the message of Abraham. This is a clear statement from Jesus that he is indeed the Messiah. V.56
V.57 How did Abraham see Jesus? The Jews point out Jesus isn't even 50. Abraham saw the promises through Isaac. At the sacrifice of Isaac Abraham believed that God would raise Isaac even from the dead. See Hebrews 11:8-10 for further on t his argument.
V.58 "Before Abraham was I AM." A clear statement from Jesus that he is indeed God himself. As if he was saying. I am the voice of the burning bush. For anyone at claims that Jesus never claims to be God. This is the verse to look to.
So if indeed he is God, then he ought to be worshipped, he ought to be glorified, and we must lay our lives before him. He is Lord of our lives. Amen. Come Lord Jesus.
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