Habakkuk 3:1-19 - A Confession of Faith for Turbulent Times

Posted on November 6, 2011 by Unknown

Faith is more than just way of thinking, a point of view. It is a commitment in all areas of life. It isn't just a way of dealing with life, it is the way of life. It is a confession of trust in all the ways of our Lord God, his purposes and his ways.

1. Faith begins with a fear of the Lord (3:2-15)
Faith is only as good as the object of which that faith is placed. Habakkuk knows this and proclaims that characters of God in which we often do not want to face. Before which fear and repentance is the only justifiable reacts. To get to vs. 16-17 which is the "nice things" of God, we must also walk through the wrath of God. Before there can be redemption, there must first be judgement and we must first submit to that. But in the mercy of God, it is no more a trembling, quivering fear, but a rejoicing and reverence in the power and holiness of God. Like Peter on the Sea of Galilee when after Jesus performs the miracle he states, "Depart from me, for I am a sinful man.". It is this knowledge, that the God that is our Father, is also our judge to which we bow and strive.

Five attributes of God in these verses.

  • He is glorious. V. 1-3
  • He is just . V. 6, 14
  • He is sovereign v. 10-11
  • He has awesome might and power. v. 7-11 (a reference to the exodus from Egypt and the plagues.)
  • He is the God of mercy and compassion v. 2

This is the God whom Habakkuk fears.

2. Faith perseveres as an unyielding trust in God alone apart from circumstances of life. (3:16-17)
We must ask ourselves honestly, "what is trust?" Full trust is to take God at his word and follow through no matter what, no matter the circumstances.

This passage is a warning against the pray it and claim it movement. We don't just acknowledge God greatness and mercy and then "claim" our reward. This is a abiding trust that knows the hope that is to come, but also knows that we must wait upon the Lord. Without a true faith, we will be scattered, flung to the wind, to be burned up as chaff by the circumstances of life. This is what Habakkuk 2:4 means, "the righteous will walk by faith"

3. Faith results in joy that takes pleasure in God alone. (3:18-19)
How can Habakkuk be so joyful, because he has the greatest treasure that ever exists, the presence of our Lord and God. He is joyful in the present because of the hope that is to come.

God gives strength like the deer not just to reach those heady heights, but the strength to reach there and dance and prance is rejoicing. V.19

So... is this truly our confession? Though despite all our difficulties in health, property, is relationships. Let us say, "Yes I will trust him."

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