Joshua 14 - A Portrait of God's Servant
Today our church is ordaining a friend and fellow brother Mr. Helms for deacon ministry and we look at a key passage about the what it means to be God's servant.
What does a Servant of God look like?
1. God's servant exhibits a history of past faithfulness. (14:7-10)
A deacon is based not on their potential for leadership and servanthood, but based on a record of faithfulness.
Caleb and Joshua were not fearful of what lie before them, but trusted in defiance if the world's view of the odds, that their God, our God, is powerful enough, and faithful to deliver us and conquer all that lies before us. That God is true to his word and to the promises that he has given us.
In Numbers 14:24 we have this statement from God, " my servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit and has followed me fully."
Our brother, Mr. Helms is someone who didn't even want the title of deacon, but it is for that reason as a faithful and a long dedicated servant that he stands an excellent example of one that shines brightly to us the example of one fitting the office of deacon.
2. God's servant clings earnestly to the promises of God reserved for him. (14:6, 9-12a)
Caleb of 40 years old when he was first given the promise from God. He believed and did not abandon God's ways, even though he had to wait 45 years to see those promises come true.
Just like in the Hallel Psalms, we honor and remember God's goodness by telling of the deeds of his mighty hand and the truth of his promises.
3. God's servant embraces the work set before him. (14:10-12, 14)
Here is an 85 year old man that had been walking in the wilderness and fighting battles all he days, yet He proclaimed has his strength remained to fight the battle to come. Yet he did not brag about how he was in good shape because how much he had exercised and took care of his health, instead he praised God for the strength that God gave him in God's power to be capable to see it to the end, to see the promise of God fulfilled.
A deacon in our church must embrace that difficulty of the task, not to prove our strength, but to demonstrate the strength of God's power in us, that we may give glory to His name and His name alone!
This ordination does not bestow on Mr. Helms does not give him some special power or "glow" but is an acknowledgment of God's faithfulness as is already being demonstrated in his life.
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