3 John 1-15 - Cooperation in the Gospel

Posted on August 28, 2011 by Unknown

Last in the series on the epistles of John.

At this time John was probably the last apostle alive, writing a later in the latter part of his life.

1 John in about heretical teaching. 2 John in possibly written before 1 John, talks of heresy as well, but talks about how to accepts believers in the church. 3 John is here to an individual, Gaius, with regards to how they can cooperate together with others, particularly with one conflicting individual a man called Diotrephes.

Four Characteristics of Our Cooperation in the Gospel

Our cooperation in the gospel...
1. ... is rooted in Christ-centered fellowship. (1-4, 13-15)

In many churches we think of fellowship as eating together at church, but it is so much more. Looking at Acts 1 we see the early church gathering to pray, to share with one another, keeping all things in common, as part of a new family, the family of God. This family has been given the task to declare the good news of Jesus Christ to all the world.

So what are the characteristics of this Christ centered fellowship?

A) The possession of a common gospel. As John says here to Gaius, "we are fellow laborers
B) There is love for one another. For example, as short as this letter is, John refers to Gaius four times as beloved. This love comes from as John says From truth, from the knowledge of Gods love for us first. Friendship from the eyes of God, with one another in Jesus, is the closet friendship that we can know in this life. John says that the letter is not enough, they he desires to be there in person, face to face. John demonstrates the strength of where this bond comes from by declaring that his joy is in the truth.

We should be careful of the opposition to friendship, which is jealously. We should not be first concerned with our reputation and glory, with whether one believer is more "successful" or more "blessed" than oneself. All this leads to jealousy. We live for the glory of God. Pray and accountability, this are the tools of edification. We are all called to declare God's glory, whether it is recognized by the world or only seen in the eyes of God.

2) ... leads us to extend Christ-centered hospitality. (5-8)

What is Christian hospitality?
The word for hospital and hospitably comes from the latin word for house. We don't know who may show at our doors, but we need to endeavor to keep our doors open, to give shelter, food, and the richness of the gospel. Doing so is as if we were giving hospitably to the Lord himself. Why do we do this, because there is a common mission a common goal, the spread of the gospel. We are to reach out to fellow believers, and to those in need.

3) ... recognizes and respond to God-established authority. (9-10)
John speaks of Diotrephes as a warning, not to love ones authority

4) ...emerges from mutual faithfulness to the truth. (3-4, 11-12)
John uses the example of Demetrius as a faithful brother, and how at resulted in a mutual effort to be cooperative in the gospel.

Challenge: Are we as individuals here rooted in fellowship, showing hospitality, loving one another, and staying faithful in the truth that is our Lord.

This wholes series in epistles of John, have been a great an joyous challenged. I know that God has richly blessed us in the hearing of His words all these months. Thank you Jim for being God's servant.

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