2 John - Abiding in Truth

Posted on August 14, 2011 by Unknown

Scripture: 2 John 1-13
Like 1 John this letter addresses the issue of false teaching that was arising in the early church, and the most basic Christian teaching that we are to live in truth and love.

Possibly written before 1 John. This book gives us a call to abide in truth and love.

So what does it look like to abide in the truth?

1. When we are abiding in truth we will also love one another. (1-6)
We sometimes think of these things as separate, because we sometimes imagine a person who knows the truth, but does not act in love. However, in God's nature and so in us see things are not separable. In fact, I would argue that in no case can these things be separated. This is an affirmation of one of the basic of Christian teachings. Jesus himself said this, that if we abide in Him we will walk in love for one another.

This life is a future reality that we should see in evidence now.

But what is love? John addresses this in v. 6. We show this by following my commandments. To live in truth is go live in God, and only through obedience to that truth can we know and live in love for one another. Truth and love, they just go together.

2. When we are abiding in truth, we will also hold fast to sound doctrine and reject false teaching. (7-11)
John doesn't just start the letter going at the false teaching. He begins with the fundamental teaching of truth and love, for this is the how we are to combat this false teaching.
The one who leads away is a deceiver. This is someone who knows the truth, but purposely intends to led others away from that truth.

So what are we to do?
John says...
Be vigilant. Like a baseball player at the ready, not looking at the clouds and picking daisies.

Reject false teachers and false teaching. We are not to simply accept and stand by passive in the name of intellectual independence. My question is whether this is talking about non-believers. My thought is specifically this vigilance is towards those we accept into our fellowship for the purpose of teaching. It is in the arts sometimes that I think we are passive in this. We should not be surprised when the world is offended by and rejects
Christ. Always we have an opportunity to share to gospel, the great and wondrous news with them, but when we are a support to their teaching, then we travel a dangerous road.

Expose ourselves constantly to the teaching and truthfulness of the words and teachings of
- We cannot reject error if we do not know what truth is. Hold fast to sound doctrine.

3. When we are abiding in truth, we will experience the fulness of joy.
For this reason John desires not just to send them letters, but earnestly desires the fulness that comes from being face to face with his brothers and sisters in Christ.

I was reading earlier is week the reminder that the thing that brings us together is not common interests, a love for southern cooking, music or any other simple thing. Instead it is the obsession and love and desire for God himself and for His Son, as we find joy not in common things, but in the marvelous joy we have in him together, a family in love with God.

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