1 John - We Shall Overcome

Posted on July 31, 2011 by Unknown

Scripture: John 5:1-12
The civil fights movement of the 50-60's had as it's anthem the song "We Shall Overcome." But this call for the
Christian goes far beyond civil rights, and the persecutions of this world, for it is not We that have overcome, it is Jesus who has overcome and so in Him We Shall Overcome.

1. We have overcome the world fully, completely, and finally because of our faith in Jesus Christ. (5:6-12)
Yes these verses remind us that we can persevere through all the physical persecution, but in light of the whole letter, John is also talking about the false teachings that were leading the church in his time (and the church in our time) began hearing and some believing that Jesus was not really the Son of God, and that salvation could be find in other ways, in other paths, in a other commandments.

Many people have faith. But what is that faith in? In chapter three, John answered that question, with three tests to test that our faith is genuine. Click here. He expounds on that here.

A. The object of our faith in Christ and Christ alone. He is true and trustworthy.
B. It expresses an genuine love for God. V.1

2. We overcome the world only because Christ has first overcome the world. (5:6-8)

The reason we have overcome is because Jesus has first overcome. Like a good lawyer, John calls in witnesses. Not just any witnesses, but three powerful spiritual witnesses. The most truthful witnesses of all.
The witness of...

The Water
Referring to Jesus' baptism. In that moment God the Father proclaimed then and there "this is my Son in
whom I am well pleased. Jesus himself does not have to declare this, the Father is the one who glorifies the
The Blood
The cross. If the baptism was the beginning of Jesus' ministry, then the cross was the fulfillment of it. Both the water and blood are addressing the specific understanding of the false teachers of that time who thought that the spirit if God only came to Jesus at the baptism and left him at the cross, but this changes the sacrifice, changes Jesus.
The Spirit
The Holy Spirit. The ministry of the spirit is to reveal the son, Jesus, the son of God. This is the mission of the Spirit, even in the old testament. Messiah is coming. At the baptism. The Spirit descended like a dove. At Pentecost. Christ has come, Christ has overcome. The Spirit confirms the truth of the word.

So what is the final response to this testimony?

Embrace the Son!

V.10-12. 10 Whoever believes in the Son of God has the testimony in himself. Whoever does not believe God has made him a liar, because he has not believed in the testimony that God has borne concerning his Son.
11 And this is the testimony, that God gave us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.
12 Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.

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