God is Sovereign, We are Fallen, Christ is Sufficient
Sermon Audio: Click to Listen
Scriptures: Colossians 1:1-21 - Click to Listen
Awesome prayer/song to start. This is reminder to me that our separation of song and prayer is often artificial. The words of prayer in song, is this not the Psalms?
We are looking at this passage from the perspective of the cross. The uniqueness that the gospel is. The command to proclaim the gospel is both law and gospel. We are sometimes (I know this Doug) told we talk too much, but in talking of Jesus it would be disobedience to not say something. This is for laypeople and clergy.
We are not hear to just talk about a Bible or the Bible, but the gospel is the proclamation that Christ is the all-powerful revelation that the Word became flesh as a sacrifice for our lives. The Bible is first and foremost the written proclamation of the gospel, the story of Jesus, history, yes, but foremost HisStory. Love that Doug.
There is nothing is our lives that we can do, that God would say, "Boy, that was surprising." This is an extraordinarily freeing truth. He is neither surprised by our fallenness, or our need for Him for salvation. This is further opportunity for His loving-kindness to be demonstrated.
In addition, this means that there is nothing on this Earth, that God does not know about, that can hurt us, and can destroy us an God's children. This does not mean that we will not know suffering, for we also know His discipline, so that we may become more reliant for His grace and mercy, so that again His Love may be declared more loudly to all the world.
We worry about thrones and dominions, but "All things were created by Him and for Him." All of creation was made to glorify God. "The end of man is to glorify God, and enjoy Him forever." - Westminster confession.
Doug talks about the Ed Sullivan show in three minutes. Funny stuff. Craziness abounding. And so...
"Sometimes, the world feels like a nut-house, that is run by the inhabitants." Yes, but God is still on His throne, and all things will be right.
Jesus is LORD is the message of the Bible from beginning to the end.
We all die. Surprised as a child by a doctor dying. Wow my reading passage from this morning Ecclesiastes 9:1-10 was on this. Doug is telling of Ted Bundy coming to Tallahassee and killing again, and of a song that one of the girls from that sorority sung at the Wesley center on the following Sunday. "Through many tangles toils and snares, I have already come, but grace has brought me safe thus far, and grace will bring me home." Jesus is LORD. Amen, Amen.
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