A Model for Mothers

Posted on May 9, 2010 by Unknown

Sermon Audio - Click to Listen
Scripture: Proverbs 31:10-31 - Listen
A Mother's Day Sermon. Special for us. Rebecca's 3rd and she carries our second child. :-)

Characteristics of the Model Mother
This is one of my favorite passages. And I would like praise my wife, she is an excellent wife and mother. She relies on the Lord. 
  1. The model mother establishes her life’s priorities. (31:10-12,30) 
    • Jim likes Cocoa Puffs.  I like Corn Pops. mmm... yummy. Our wifes have better priorities, that make us eat other stuff. "It tastes just like sawdust..."
    1. A commitment to virtuous character. This passage is one I looked at when I was looking for a wife. Jim mentions this passage is often seen as written to young women who would be seeking to be married. In Babylonian culture, beauty not character was number one. We are often the same. Jim mentions Hollywood marriages. "Shouldn't beautiful people be able to remain together." They are measuring and founding marriage on the wrong thing. "Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain." Do we spend more time ready and dressed externally that we spend internally with God's Word?  A convicting thought for men or women.
    2. A commitment to her family relationships. "The heart of her husband trusts in her" Because she trusts in him. My wife is one of the most supportive women I know, most definitely the most supportive in my life. God bring her praise. I trust her with all our house and its workings. 
    3. A commitment to the “fear of the Lord”. Charm is lacking, beauty is vain, fear of the Lord is to be praised. I am glad that my wife has made it known that I am not her first priority. The Lord is.  Rebecca starting reading through her Bible last year, and it was what inspired me to do a complete read through myself this year.
  2. A model mother demonstrates her integrity in her actions. (31:13-27)
    • She was entrepreneurial.  It is one of the best passages for how a women can "work" successfully in the home. We have funny ideas as a society about women that are "homemakers". We should be truly praising this occupation. It is the one of the highest of occupations. Why do we so often try and make work "outside" the home the so called real work. Bah! I say.
    • She is charitable. Without trying to be controversial. It is because we have begun to praise work "outside" the home as better that in the home that we have so few outside of "charity" organizations that reach out to the poor and needy. 
  3. The model mother embodies God’s selfless love. (31:13-27) This is the hardest task. To love when you don't get it in return. I should tell my Mom I love her more often.
The Application
  1. For moms:
    1. Repent. 
    2. Be restless for excellence as a mother.
    3. Commit yourself to being a model mother.
Assignment: Write down three specific goals that you want to do to be this kind of mother, and implement them, regardless of how you may be treated.
  1. For the rest of us:
    1. Honor your mother. (31:28-31)
    2. Pray for your mother.
Assignment: Write down three tangible ways you can honor you mother and wife. And pray for her in these things. 

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